
All of us are works in progress. We’re on a life-journey to encounter real Love. I began mine 40+ years ago. Jesus encountered me with his love in 1976. Since then, and because of Jesus, this Love of His Father continues to draw me, heal me, warn me, and inform and inspire my writing.

“We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19, ESV)

“David’s Place” is the little space from which I can encourage, inform, and serve God’s household and witness to His world.  Coaching, informing, encouraging, warning, and exhorting  us to respond to and pursue the Father’s Love and values with everything at our disposal. Why? Because in God’s economy, nothing is more real or more important than agape Love and the actions that flow from that supranatural Love.

Real love protects. Ask any parent. Therefore, sometimes my posts warn and inform of existential dangers politically and spiritually. My posts often encourage adjustments of thought and just actions. I do not apologize for the straight-forward and often blunt, intentionally un-politically correct viewpoints and statements hosted on my site. I sometimes mean them to jar readers into a serious reevaluation of the worldview they champion that may unintentionally embrace evil from God’s perspective. My motive is to help honest people–who may be uninformed about God’s mind and heart—to abandon views that are unloving, dangerous, ungodly, or self-destructive; and, that unknowingly put them in danger with their Creator.

I write what I would appreciate reading, in the straight-forward tone and authentic voice I most appreciate reading in other writers–and trust that there are some readers out there like me, who appreciate honesty, integrity, and straight talk.

I try to post monthly (or whenever something I hear needs a fresh perspective that takes into consideration the spiritual dynamics at work behind the scenes). Sometimes I take a break–usually no longer than two months. I figure it’s a break for you too.

I value your time. Knowing that there’s so much out there to read, I appreciate you stopping by. I’ve buried some nuggets here. Hope you’re able to dig some up and apply them to your own journey.

Please sign up for email notification of my posts. I hope to meet you somewhere along the Green Weye.

A Little More About Me

I was a French-Canadian and English orphan named David Fay. For the first five years of my life, I was a ward of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, then adopted at age 6. Ultimately God included me in his Family. I’m still learning about and experiencing real Love–agape Love. And am sharing it with readers worldwide, through my writing, consulting, and travel.


I hold earned degrees from:

SPEAKING: I am available to speak to writers’ groups, faith based reading groups, and groups of foster and adoptive parents and social agencies working in foster and adoptive care. My focus is on God’s great love for people, his amazing Adoption, and the healing that results from His love and present power.

I also speak to churches, clergy/pastors, camps, conferences, schools, and organizations that invite me to come along side to assist in pastoral/staff sabbatical planning. If interested in inviting me to speak, simply write to david@davidcalves.com and we can explore that together.

WRITING: All of my books are available in Kindle, eBook, and Print editions. I recently chronicled my healing journey as an adoptee in  – Adopted: An Adoptee’s Memoir of Healing Love  (Check out The Old Suitcase one of the healing moments recounted in my memoir).

My newest published book (October 2017) is a chapbook of “Early Selected Poems,” entitled High Along the Green Weyes.

My first book presents God’s view of who his regenerate children really are, and what our near and distant future holds: We’re the ‘sons of God’ . . . So What?

The second book I wrote with pastors and pastoral staffs in mind, yet I’m told by non-clergy that it helped them to consider rest, solitude, and sabbatical as well: A Sabbatical Primer for Pastors: How to Initiate and Navigate a Spiritual Renewal Leave.

MUSIC: In the 1970’s through the 1990’s we were concert and recording artists in Christian contemporary music. The music of David and Marcy Alves is available at: iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify.

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