Category Archives: Abortion

American Exceptionalism and the Roots of the Approaching American Revolution


I have updated and revised this post inspired by the “pro-choice” people who, in NY and VA, now extend their choice to the murder of living babies as they exit the womb. Back in the 60s, Francis Schaeffer forewarned Americans that the slippery slope of abortion on demand would lead to both infanticide and geronticide. Pro-choice advocates laughed at him and dismissed him.

Unfortunately, Linus can’t have a real conversation with Lucy. It’s practically impossible. There is no firm, reasonable starting place because Lucy will not admit the inconsistencies in her thinking. Her worldview, based on emotion, cannot allow for reasonable honesty. So rather than laugh at her inconsistency and be willing to reevaluate and alter her view, Lucy has to bully, name-call, and shame her friend. Bullies want control. They intend to deprive others of their liberty and crush their rights.

BOTH extremes–Right and Left in our country–operate this way.

This is not about Democrat vs. Republican–although Bullies exist in both parties. This is about liberty versus slavery and it has been going on for thousands of years. This is about Unity versus disunity. Polarization begins with those who depart from the foundations of what made us great and United. Only one thing kept the United States from going the way of every other nation-state or Empire in history.

American Exceptionalism Rooted in Christ

Backdrop is WWII. The totalitarian socialists knows as the National Sozialistiche Deutsche Arbeitpartei (National Socialist German Party–NAZI party for short), had invaded Europe. Their storm troopers crushed and were rounding up and killing their enemies, which included political enemies, Jews, and the Christians who helped rescue both. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, noted missionary and theologian-statesman serving in India at the time said this regarding our UNITED STATES and American freedom:

What a Christ this is! taking the energies and pioneering spirit of a people gathered from all climes and all races, and in spite of all their sins and prejudices welding them into a living whole until they become perhaps the most united nation on earth, and perhaps the greatest.

Christ has done this? Yes, for without his Spirit working in the hearts of this American Civilization–cleansing, inspiring, uniting,–this civilization would not have been possible. He is the cement that holds it together. Through its centrifugal forces and its dividing sins it would fall to pieces tomorrow without him. He is the most cleansing, constructive, potent force working within the soul of this people–and its one hope.**

Given the contemporary hatred of Christ and his family in our American civilization today. Given the polarization of those who love liberty and those who want power to force their Christless worldview upon the people. What is the future of our union?

My hope is that God will heal our nation on behalf of our forefathers and their sacrifice–that Lucy & Linus will get tired of the polarization that separates them and find ways to listen to one another. My fear is that it’s too late. Lucy likes bullying and controlling Linus. And Linus won’t give up his freedom to her control. Thus, unless the nation repents, we, our children and our grand-children will experience a revolution unlike any in previous history as political parties polarize, our unity unravels, and our economy implodes. The revolution will center around religion, because Christ and Yahweh are the ONLY source of Freedom and unity.

The only way out is a return to what made us great–honoring Christ and loving God and people made in His image. Can it be that simple? Oh, yes!

I pray that I’m wrong about the Revolution, because I’m absolutely right about the root and the deterrent.


QUESTION: What do you think?

**quote from E. Stanley Jones, The Christ of the American Road, Cokesbury Press, 1944, p. 15.

Peanuts dialog (c)2013, Dixon Diaz; except “Peanuts” characters are (c) United Features Syndicate

“CHOICE” || Spoken Word Poetry

Are you awake yet?

Woman 20 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Has Abortion |

abortion conceptAs of January 2012, Americans murdered  approximately 54,559,615 babies. We have just entered 2014.

A new estimate published by the National Right to Life Committee indicates there have been an estimated 54,559,615 abortions since the Supreme Court handed down its 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision allowing virtually unlimited abortions. –by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 1/23/12 6:37 PM

Joel Rosenberg writes:

Consider the horror of that fact. We as a nation will soon have murdered ten times more Americans than the number of Jews that the Nazis killed during the Holocaust.

When will the killing end? When will abortionists be outlawed? When will the curtain be peeled back so that people open their eyes to see what abortion mills are doing to our children? Every clinic in America that offers to slaughter the innocents will be destroyed when the Day of God appears unless those who run them and get rich off of them repent and turn to God for mercy.

You mostly silent, moral majority who claim to be “Pro-life” in table discussions . . . What will you tell your children that you DID–personally–to prevent this kind of horror in the early 21st Century? How much time, resources, or money have you invested in the war against infanticide. What have you risked to save the innocent?

Remember, Scripture records God’s view of rationalizing inaction by saying: But, I didn’t know . . . 

   “Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; save them as they stagger to their death. Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.” For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve.”  (Proverbs 24:11–12, NLT)

Selective abortion is an abomination. Late term abortions are serial killings. It is the result of the depraved and darkened mind. God hates it. And He will not take ignorance as an excuse for doing nothing. This is a spiritual battle. Is your voice being heard? Will heaven have a recording of your outrage at the desolation of our murdered American children?

At the very least, we must stop using nice euphemisms for making baby-murder more palatable at table conversations. Let’s call it what it really is. We also need to not wait until a girl is a woman and mother to value her choice. I choose to value choice in the womb. The tiny future mothers have a choice but need us to make it for them. How have we ever allowed ourselves to fear the disdain of the depraved and their bogus, self-centered reasons for championing the annihilation of generations of girls and boys? God have mercy on us if we stood by and did nothing!

I believe–should the Lord not return soon–that future generations will outlaw these atrocities. They will look back upon the 50+ years of legalized abortions and ask their parents and their grandparents what they were thinking and doing to put an end to the holocaust of infanticide. If our country survives (though we do not deserve to), future generations will erect Holocaust Museums in honor of the slain millions of babies. How will you rationalize your many trips to the sports arena without one attempt to “rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death” in the abortion mills of our fallen nation? How will you look into the eyes of Christ at His Coming and escape His wrath?

I believe that those who end the horror may also hunt down–as criminals against humanity–those who carried out these atrocities as well as those who supported them. Like Nazi war criminals and the leaders of the SS death camps, abortionist nurses and doctors will be anathema–hunted criminals. Perhaps in the swing back to law and order that history shows is inevitable, the abortionists will themselves be executed. I don’t wish for this, but I would certainly understand it. I pray that in that day, they will receive the mercy they were unwilling to give to the children they annihilated.

I’m not sure how these people go home after a day in the killing fields, sit at the dinner table with their families, and then go tuck their children in at night without a second’s thought about the children they murdered that day and the parents who will not experience the joy of tucking their beautiful children in at night.

A National Infant Holocaust Museum will draw tens of thousands of incredulous visitors every year. Photos of piles of discarded and dismembered children will hang on the walls. And the abortionists, children, grand-children and great grand-children will parade past the evidence and hang their heads in shame for what their parents and grand-parents did for “a living”.

That’s why I hope one abortionist reads this shocking post and wakes up, before it’s too late, to abandon his or her lust for money and blood. I hope one lazy “Christian,” who sings praise and worship songs on Sunday morning and drives a girlfriend to get an abortion on Monday will “wake up!”

As for the press, they need to follow the money. There’s HUGE money in late-term abortions. Why won’t you report THAT story? Or are you a part of the killing machine too? Below is an example of what I’m talking about:

Woman 20 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Has Abortion Last Week |

Joel Rosenberg writes at:

Pro-choice? Make the Right Choice.

Considering an abortion? Or considering your “choice”? Watch this first.

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Rape Wishes, Sexualized Kids, and Satanism: Just another day fighting for “choice” in Texas


The ancient god Molloch was a giant BBQ grate. Upon the grates were placed the first born of this god’s worshippers. They assigned their babies to be burned alive. Ring any bells?

I’m feeling the need to share from my heart and experience of spiritual reality.

If you are an Abortionist reading this post, please do not think that the following descriptions of what will happen to you are anything that I would wish for you. My wish for you is total deliverance and healing. I wish only to serve you by presenting the truth–as a reflective mirror might–of what you are doing to yourself and your family (assuming you have one and are not single).

Abortionism is not about politics, but about demonization and channeling. The mind that can wish harm, not only to the children of others but upon its own children is the mind inflamed by demonic, supernatural power. Simply put, abortionists either channel demons or are themselves in grave danger of severe demonization–the person in either condition will end up in need of deliverance, not only for themselves but possibly for their families as well. They’re choice to participate willingly in murder opens their souls and their children’s souls to demonization.


I assume that unless those who tear babies from wombs turn from their embrace of darkness, they will begin at some point to experience no longer being in control of the powerful, dark powers they have invited into their lives. Demonization spreads first into the practitioner’s own soul and then often spills over into her family’s, decimating relationships–until her own children experience a spiritual darkness paralleled to the darkness which took the lives away from other children. It’s about sowing and reaping. What you sow, you reap. This is a spiritual principle that NEVER fails.

Death, through you, was channeled to others. That’s why your children will experience nightmares, and unusual phobias. They are being exposed to something that neither they nor you will be able to control. Behavioral problems or severe emotional, mental challenges will begin to present front and center. And there is no natural cure or escape no matter which public health or mental health specialists you seek out. They will only be able to medicate the symptoms. But without spiritual deliverance, you and yours are at the mercy of deep darkness, bondage and oppression.

Spiritual repentance and deliverance of the abortionist will be the only hope for the abortionists family. Masked baby killers will have to turn to spiritual solutions for their own families. I beleive that will be the only way they will be willing to give up their lucrative and deluded roles in the killing clinics.

Abortionism is Satan’s attempt to eliminate, to wipe from existence God’s creation–humans. Humans are worthy of dignity because they are made in God’s image. They were Created, not knocked together by chance, lightning and mud carried on the backs of crystals. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Abortionists currently prefer to eliminate girls, but to them, any life worth living is worth taking, especialy when you consider how lucrative abortion is. Abortionists  have given themselves over to darkness because of the things that they have opened themselves to. Their blood lust is second only to their lust for money and power over life.

Twins girls murdered in late term abortion.

The article at the Link below is another example of abortionism at its best. No one would believe what abortionism is at its worst.

How far has a culture unraveled morally when its mothers murder their own children? Again . . . I say . . . this is a spiritual issue.

But it is hugely economic as well. Too many are willing to earn a living in the death chambers fueled by the bloodlust of Planned Parenthood. And all this under the guise of “compassion” and “choice.” Choose LIFE rather than Eugenics.

We have to keep these baby-executions before people until everyone sees this holocaust for what it really is. Who in their right minds can ever excuse it? In the face of this ongoing horror, I cannot be silent when it comes across my screen.

That’s why I implore YOU to become an unashamed Abortion Abolitionist. Killing children for the sake of a woman’s comfort or an executioner’s income is NEVER right.

May God forgive the masked murderers who surround the young women who enter the murder mills. These clinics are the Treblinkas and Auschwitzs of our generation. May God grant in his great mercy the godly sorrow and repentance that may set some of them free to begin to see what they are doing. May they escape the Lake of Fire to which the spirits they channel are dragging them.

Rape wishes, sexualized kids, and Satanism: just another day fighting for “choice” in Texas.

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