God Will Hold You


I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help [hold] thee.

Isa. 41:13

One day after Hurricane Edna struck western Massachusetts in 1954, my father took me to the Ludlow Bridge which spanned the Chicopee river between Ludlow and Indian Orchard at what was once known as Wallamanumps Falls. We walked onto the bridge and watched the raging water only a few feet below the bridge, splashing against the upstream side. Residents knew that with the dam opened that tumultuous white water was over 50 feet deep. If anyone fell in, they would never survive. I couldn’t see the water because I was only 4 years old and not big enough to look over the concrete siding. So my dad picked me up and sat me on that railing with my feet dangling over the edge. Others around him panicked. At first I was terrified, but my dad held me with a firm grip and told me that I would be OK because he was holding me and would never let me go.

At my advanced age, I still have that mental picture of the raging waters of the Chicopee river directly beneath my feet, and of my father’s strong hands. I can’t help but think that the act of my foster father helping me to see the power of a storm-stirred river developed a deep trust, in my young heart, that my “Dad” was able to hold me and keep me safe. How much stronger and greater the hold of our eternal Father’s hands? He has held me for 42 years now, and has not let go once!

Don’t try to hold God’s hand; let Him hold yours. Let Him do the holding, and you do the trusting.

See Also: Isa. 41:10

4 responses

  1. Love that illustration of the raging waters and your father’s hands holding you firmly. Sometimes I focus to much on the raging waters in my life and losing peace, getting frustrated waiting for the Lord to act. I know He has me in His grasp but I struggle sometimes to total relax & trust that He all things under His control, including the raging waters of life. Thanks dad.


    1. Quiet times alone with the Father have to be intentional and for most of us, they are not. That’s why we lose the peace that is our heritage. It only takes a moment though to decide that we will NOT allow the details of life to control us. We choose time alone with the Father FIRST. Then life takes its rightful place behind our contentment in Him. Love you, son. Thanks for commenting.


  2. David, Thank you for this post. Both Floyd and I have read it. Just today I started thinking about an article that I was requested to write, on this subject. May I use the last line of this post in my comments? Thank you. Musa

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    1. Absolutely. Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I did not know how to respond to this comment.


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