Tag Archives: fear

God Will Hold You


I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help [hold] thee.

Isa. 41:13

One day after Hurricane Edna struck western Massachusetts in 1954, my father took me to the Ludlow Bridge which spanned the Chicopee river between Ludlow and Indian Orchard at what was once known as Wallamanumps Falls. We walked onto the bridge and watched the raging water only a few feet below the bridge, splashing against the upstream side. Residents knew that with the dam opened that tumultuous white water was over 50 feet deep. If anyone fell in, they would never survive. I couldn’t see the water because I was only 4 years old and not big enough to look over the concrete siding. So my dad picked me up and sat me on that railing with my feet dangling over the edge. Others around him panicked. At first I was terrified, but my dad held me with a firm grip and told me that I would be OK because he was holding me and would never let me go.

At my advanced age, I still have that mental picture of the raging waters of the Chicopee river directly beneath my feet, and of my father’s strong hands. I can’t help but think that the act of my foster father helping me to see the power of a storm-stirred river developed a deep trust, in my young heart, that my “Dad” was able to hold me and keep me safe. How much stronger and greater the hold of our eternal Father’s hands? He has held me for 42 years now, and has not let go once!

Don’t try to hold God’s hand; let Him hold yours. Let Him do the holding, and you do the trusting.

See Also: Isa. 41:10

For Those Who Feel Angry and Afraid Following the Election of 2016

Open hand raised, Stop Hating sign painted, multi purpose concepPresident-elect Trump has said that it’s “Time for us to come together as one united people.” President Obama agrees. So does Hillary Clinton. You can see their videos at my author Facebook page.

America has elected a new President, and given him a united House of Representatives, and Senate.

This is Democracy at its best in a Democratic republic. We survived President Obama’s reign and, while continuing to pray for him, we worked hard to prepare for the 2016 election.

By the results of this historic 2016 election, a great portion of America has said:

  • “No” to corruption
  • “No” to the the entrenched “powers that be” on both sides of the aisle
  • “No” to politically correct buzzwords and clichés that have categorized and defamed fellow citizens who disagreed with the liberal agenda and its extreme positions
  • “No” to involuntarily disarming our citizens and quashing the 2nd Amendment
  • “No” to illegal immigration at the expense of Veterans and our own poor people
  • “No” to the violence and horror of ISIS and Apocalyptic Islamic terror worldwide
  • “No” to circumventing the American Constitution and the Legislative branch of government
  • “No” to radical socialism/communism–we are not going to be another Europe
  • “No” to the attack on the freedom of biblical religions
  • “No” to lawlessness, violence, and looting in the streets of America
  • “No” to the disrespect toward the rule of law
  • “No” to a continued erosion of our military readiness in light of increasing threats worldwide
  • “No” to apologizing around the world for our great nation
  • “No” to faulty and deeply flawed treaties and trade agreements
  • “No” to the irresponsible spending that places the burden of our national debt onto the backs of our children and grandchildren
  • “No” to the weight of governmental bureaucracy and bloated Federal offices
  • “No” to increased regulations that drive small businesses out of existence
  • “No” to the erosion of free speech
  • “No” to the unwillingness of politicians unwilling to cooperate in order to make America excellent for ALL its citizens

Shortly after the election, one of our young adult relatives wrote a scathing post on FB toward those who did not vote as she did. When my wife gave her a gentle admonition to not allow politics to instill in her bitterness, or resentment, our relative tore into my wife with disrespectful vitriol. It felt to my wife as though she had been slapped in the face.

This young adult was not brought up to treat family members that way–or anyone for that matter. I’d be surprised to find out that the adults around her modeled disrespect for elders or anger and hatred toward those with whom we disagree. Yet her own political agenda meant more to her than hurting or accusing her family member in a mean-spirited response. We can only hope that her heart will soften as she matures. I’m hoping that this was just a bad moment for her and not her typical way of treating people with whom she does not see eye to eye.

For those of you who are angry and afraid, we hope that your maturity and your love for this nation will overcome your anger and disappointment at the results of this hard-fought election and that you will help to tone down the shaming, name-calling, hatred, bullying and fear-factor. Political beliefs should not triumph over love of friends and family. I mistrust any worldview that treats people with hatred and anger, or that devalues or objectifies its opponents.

We can agree to disagree amiably yet still value and respect one another. As Hillary Clinton and President Obama have said in post-election speeches: Support the new President-elect. Give him and his team an opportunity to fulfill the office that the nation has elected him to.

Listen to Trump’s acceptance speech and help him to fulfill it for ALL Americans:


As one who voted for Trump-Pence, I am celebrating America’s victory, but not your defeat. All gloating is birthed and nurtured in an evil disposition.

May God Bless you  . . . and the United States of America

QUESTION: Honestly, how would you have hoped that Trump supporters would respond if Hillary had won the election?

©2016, David C Alves (davidcalves.com)

Don’t Miss “The LeeRoy Sagas”

I have updated “The LeeRoy Sagas” here at “David’s Place”

Just Click on LeeRoy’s Photo here to go to Episode One

If you’ve read all 12 and are waiting for 13, then your wait is almost over. I’ll be posting it tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy. Thanks for following my blog. Please send a link to others and help increase the readership and give your friends some enjoyment.

Thanks again!

You Are My Witnesses

Do not tremble; do not be afraid,
Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago?
You are my witnesses    –Isaiah 44:8a

“ . . . who do you say I am?”  –Matthew 16:15

You perhaps heard it said, “God has a wonderful plan for your life?”  Some recoil from allowing themselves to get too encouraged by the thought. Either they don’t believe it or they are realists in a world of pain and suffering and human tragedy. Or they believed it, but after many years they have not seen the truth of it. In any case, God’s word is true and he has an ancient plan of good for his people–those who are his by virtue of having believed God and come to him on his own terms (not theirs).

We are people living in a dying world, but in the midst of pain, suffering, and dashed hopes, God’s own proclamation is crystal clear. He tells us firt that we are not to tremble or be afraid. This is repeated by Paul–“I have not given you a spirit of fear . . .” God’s reason follows. Did I not reveal my purposes for you? “ “long ago?” This is God’s ancient plan–we are living examples of his life and love. We are his witnesses. Witnesses to what? We are witnesses who have answered Christ’s question affirmatively and correctly–to trust the Good News about him and Father.

We are witnesses to Jesus, the Son of the living God–Messiah, Lord, Logos–alive from the dead. He is the One God chose to save the world and set us free from our bondage to sin and fear. To bring us back to the Father.

“Who do YOU say I am?”

Father, thank you that you have revealed Jesus to me. Help anyone who has not yet arrived at this personal revelation of your Son. Remove the veil and grant them sight and understanding to know Jesus and You.

Don’t Be Afraid

“So don’t be afraid; you are more
valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” –Mt. 10:31


Marcy and I love birds. Every day we watch them come and go at our feeders. We recognized the “regulars” and look forward to seeing them and providing their food.


Jesus told his disciples that they were not to be fearful as they traveled throughout the region on his assignment. He told them not to fear, then gave them the reason in an illustration about a sparrow. He said that not one falls without the father’s awareness of it. He tells them that even the hairs on the disciples’ heads are each accounted for. In other words, God cares so much more for them than he does for the birds, that they need fear nothing . . . ever! God is intimately aware of every single need and situation in their daily moment to moment lives. Knowing that they are so valuable to Him is the antidote for fear because it leads to trust.


When we trust that we matter to God, that we are valuable to the Father, we will no longer be controlled by fear, but by love. Oh, from time to time we will be fearful, but we will not be controlled by that fear. This is what John the Apostle had in mind when he wrote, “Perfect love casts out all fear.” We are perfected (completed) in love when we see the great love God has for each of us. Once we have responded to that love by being honest about our shortcomings, faults, trespasses, and sin, we acknowledge that Jesus made the way open for us to enjoy the love that we are coming to know. Fear is about judgement but we no longer fear because Jesus took upon himself our judgement. He paid the price we would have had to if we kept running from the love of God and had remained in our sin. What a great truth.


Father, thank you that you love us so much that you value us and find us precious to you. Help me to walk in that knowledge today. And especially help me to remember that since your sons are so valuable to you, they must become as  valuable to me. I choose to love who you love and care about what you care about. I choose love over fear. Empower that decision so that it brings you fame.
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