Category Archives: Social Networking

Taking an Internet Break

I’ve found that the internet is the greatest time-drain in my life right now. So . . .  I will be taking a break for the month of November. I need to get some important reading and writing done. The time I save by unplugging from tweets, posts, texts, and most email, ought to provide the space for reading and writing that I struggle to carve out. I might forego weeknight Netflix too.

If prayer is a part of your lifestyle, then I would truly appreciate your prayers for me. I’d like to not lose any readers and return with a lineup of relevant and helpful posts for December and 2013. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

I will complete part 4 of the Sabbatical series and post that in a few days. Then, the next post I do will be in December. I’m hoping to write about the fast from the internet when I return.

Feel free to visit the archives and poke around the blog.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. See you in December.

Encourage a Fellow Writer

I’m practicing in public. I’m writing with thousands of others today who have taken Jeff Goins’ 15-day challenge. As a part of this challenge, I made the aquaintance of a sister who is writing an important memoir about adoption and the challenges faced by broken families. I believe in the spirit of what Jeff is doing. I also have read some of my new writer-friend’s work. So I’m doing something that those of you who know me know that I seldom do (or have done). I’m pointing my readers to her and her memoir. You can begin by visiting her website/blog. You’ll find an assortment of rich writing there.

Her name is Carole Smith (as far as I know, her real name). Her address is: Especially pay attention to her post, “The Power of an Unsent Letter.”

Because I BELIEVE in what Carole is doing, I am going to INITIATE this post so that we can PRACTICE writing by commenting on her blog. I bet it would be thrilling for her to have this sudden upsurge in commenters. And I KNOW Jeff would say, we’re catching on.

Enough said?  Oh, by the way, Carole doesn’t know I’m doing this, so don’t let on. Just surprise her. Someone might do that for you sometime. You never know.

Be generous and let others know about her too. Thanks. I’m glad to be engaged in this challenge with people like those I’ve met so far. Every blessing be yours.

What Apple and Google are not Telling you About Mobile Device Security


mobile devices

mobile devices (Photo credit: Hands On Support)

What Apple and Google are not Telling you About Mobile Device Security (infographic) – Forbes.

I found this post & infographic very instructive and helpful. Some simple actions to take to be more secure on your mobile device.

Google+ to Move Facebook & Twitter Aside?

I received an invitation to Google+ last Thursday. Now I’m trying to learn about it. Here’s what I’m finding out:

If effectiveness drives popularity, then Google+ is soon going to move FaceBook and Twitter aside. GP may become bigger, more popular than BOTH.

Brian Clark, at said:

[Google+] takes the good things about Facebook and Twitter and makes them better. More importantly, Google had the luxury of watching what Facebook and Twitter did wrong, and made it right.

Clark goes on to say that GP will probably hit it really big by being about content and community.

One downside is that Google+ is so new that those who are there are trying to get up-to-speed. We’re trying to learn it and see the potential (if you want to stay ahead of the wave on this, then add Brian to one of your circles. And even though participation is by invitation only, more than 10 million are already using it. I’m not sure what will happen at Twitter and Facebook. Some people will not want to take the time and energy to learn a new platform. But may others will.

Will Google+ with its millions of Googlites draw enough Plussers to make it the most gigantic social network ever . . . or will people stay with what they know?

QUESTION: What do you think about the advent of Google+ ?

©2011, David C Alves

Follow @davidcalves

Google+ to Move Facebook & Twitter Aside?

I received an invitation to Google+ last Thursday. Now I’m trying to learn about it. Here’s what I’m finding out:

If effectiveness drives popularity, then Google+ is soon going to move FaceBook and Twitter aside. GP may become bigger, more popular than BOTH.

Brian Clark, at said:

[Google+] takes the good things about Facebook and Twitter and makes them better. More importantly, Google had the luxury of watching what Facebook and Twitter did wrong, and made it right.

Clark goes on to say that GP will probably hit it really big by being about content and community.

One downside is that Google+ is so new that those who are there are trying to get up-to-speed. We’re trying to learn it and see the potential (if you want to stay ahead of the wave on this, then add Brian to one of your circles. And even though participation is by invitation only, more than 10 million are already using it. I’m not sure what will happen at Twitter and Facebook. Some people will not want to take the time and energy to learn a new platform. But may others will.

Will Google+ with its millions of Googlites draw enough Plussers to make it the most gigantic social network ever . . . or will people stay with what they know?

QUESTION: What do you think about the advent of Google+ ?

©2011, David C Alves

Follow @davidcalves

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