Category Archives: Housekeeping

Taking an Internet Break

I’ve found that the internet is the greatest time-drain in my life right now. So . . .  I will be taking a break for the month of November. I need to get some important reading and writing done. The time I save by unplugging from tweets, posts, texts, and most email, ought to provide the space for reading and writing that I struggle to carve out. I might forego weeknight Netflix too.

If prayer is a part of your lifestyle, then I would truly appreciate your prayers for me. I’d like to not lose any readers and return with a lineup of relevant and helpful posts for December and 2013. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

I will complete part 4 of the Sabbatical series and post that in a few days. Then, the next post I do will be in December. I’m hoping to write about the fast from the internet when I return.

Feel free to visit the archives and poke around the blog.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. See you in December.

A Personal Thank-You Note to “David’s Place” Subscribers

My Kindle with “David’s Place” contents. Yes, that’s Marcy writing in the background. You can visit her at “” She’s a GREAT soul and writer.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I’m so grateful for each of you who have “Followed” or signed up for email notifications.

I truly appreciate you and value your time. I want to do the very best work I can for you. I’m hoping to find a way to make my forthcoming (2nd) book available to you for free as soon as I can figure out how to do it. I need to find out from someone who has done it successfully. I’d hate to offer something and then mess it up and not get it to the right people. Plus I don’t know how to send a copy (and in this day and age, who would give out their address? I wouldn’t. Not even for a free book. But I know there’s a way. And I hope someone who reads this can point me there. Thanks in advance :-))

Where was I?

For those of you who, like me, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, along with your newspaper or favorite blog posts delivered direct to your Kindle, I thought you might like to know that “David’s Place” is available for your Kindle. My posts appear on my Kindle the morning I publish them (I normally write 2-3 posts per week and publish them at 4:30AM EST). 

If you follow this link, or click on the thumbnail of the blog in this post, they will take you to the product page at where you can get a FREE 14-day trial subscription.

If you decide to stay, then the subscription is just .99/month to Yes, they take credit cards. You can unsubscribe easily at any time. Of course, I’m hoping you’ll never unsubscribe (Marcy and I have to eat you know. 🙂 And organic food–which Marcy needs to battle the cancer–is getting very expensive. Our Social Security cost of living increase does not take into consideration natural ways of combating cancer).

As a matter of fact, please share this post or the subscription link with some friends, we’d be really blessed and grateful. As a brother in Christ, I’m not asking for a handout, just a hand-up.

Dear Readers & New Look for “David’s Place”

Wanted to give all my friends and readers a heads-up.


I want to give you the best and easiest reading experience possible. I’ll be changing the look of my blog-site within the next couple of weeks (perhaps sooner). Don’t want you to be surprised when I do.

I hope you’ll like the new look and feel. Please take the time to comment once the change is made. Love to know what you think.


In addition, I thought it might be good to tell you about my focus here. I know that I’ve somewhat covered it in my ABOUT page, but not many people go to a blogger’s about page.

As someone on a spiritual journey to know God better, I write posts that I would like to read. Sometimes they’re on writing, or perhaps a review of a good book. Sometimes I simply need a laugh and post something humorous. I also post cultural warning signs so that fellow travelers will not be hurt along the path. Because foster care and adoption played a part in my childhood, I also write about that. And occasionally I post a devotional thought or journal entry from my various journals. My “How-to’s” seem to draw the most readers. Well . . . you get it. I intentionally mix it up–writing what I like reading.


Posting on a multiplicity of topics can prove frustrating for someone who’s looking for “a brand.” If you need a brand to subscribe to and follow my blog, check “categories” to filter my posts OR let it be this:


I suppose that would be the sum of the parts.


If anything in that brand appeals to you, then please follow my blog by either the follow button (if you’re on WordPress, signing up for email notifications, or subscribing to my post on Kindle.


Though it’s not a requirement to read here. I would really appreciate it too if you would take the time to comment too so that we can develop a community. I know you’re busy, but it’s really great when I go to a site and follow discussions. They sometimes enlarge or enhance the author’s post. I’ve been helped by them as well.


Well that’s about it. Thanks SO MUCH that you’ve read this far. And thanks for being a valued reader here at “David’s Place.” I appreciate your time and consider it a treasure.


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Christian House Sitters

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