Category Archives: politics

Asleep in Seattle and Portland

Blessed are the peace makers.

Peaceful protesting is an American right. No one objects to peaceful protesting. PEACEFUL!!

But while we sleep, dangerous factions are at work in our cities and two cities in particular are in my thoughts today. I’ve been in both cities and have valued my time there. Past leaders made them thrive and kept them safe.

How are the peaceful citizens, the law-abiding citizens of Seattle sleeping these days? Their mayor, Jenny Durkan is certainly asleep and dreaming. She thinks it’s the summer of love. That felons and anarchists deserve some Seattle real estate to occupy, burn, demolish, and loot. You can bet that her home will remain safe from them and from burning or looting. Her home won’t become their summer city of love. She has good security and knows how to hide.

In Portland, OR . . . the same dreamscape is at work. City leadership and mayor Ted Wheeler coddle the worst segment of society, regardless of how it affects other law-abiding residents. Their choice is to surrender city buildings to the mob. Allow violence to consume neighborhoods. Abandon federal buildings to anarchists. What’s in the water that these misguided, inept leaders in OR are drinking?

ANY city that condones violence and behavior of rampaging mobs and anarchists is not a city that can survive. Leaders who reward wickedness and abandon any concern for the security of their citizens forfeit their right to lead.

During this pandemic of rage, both mayors (and the Gov. of OR) tested positive for Stupid. This goes for Gov. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio too in NY. They’ve single-handedly ruined the state and City of New York.

So when will the citizens of these besieged cities demand impeachment proceedings of cowardly leaders? When will these leaders be held to account as they project their hatred at the President and federal authorities who are protecting the peoples’ property?

Time to elect leaders who love America, who love our historic cities, and value the citizens they SERVE. Find brave, patriotic civil servants who will not cower or kowtow to mobs and violence. Men and women who want the best for their city and nation. Peacemakers who lead from strength and righteousness. For your children and grandchildren.

Don’t give position or power to those who are asleep while the city burns. Take away the privilege to SERVE you from those who don’t care about you but instead encourage the worst dregs of humanity to harass, attack, rampage and pillage. The shrill voices of anarchy have a right to be heard, but they have no right to harm or destroy. Their father is a spirit that seeks to rob, kill, and destroy. A spirit of rebellion against order and the rule of law.

And please pray that God bless and reunite the United States of America. It’s in our collective best interest.

American Exceptionalism and the Roots of the Approaching American Revolution


I have updated and revised this post inspired by the “pro-choice” people who, in NY and VA, now extend their choice to the murder of living babies as they exit the womb. Back in the 60s, Francis Schaeffer forewarned Americans that the slippery slope of abortion on demand would lead to both infanticide and geronticide. Pro-choice advocates laughed at him and dismissed him.

Unfortunately, Linus can’t have a real conversation with Lucy. It’s practically impossible. There is no firm, reasonable starting place because Lucy will not admit the inconsistencies in her thinking. Her worldview, based on emotion, cannot allow for reasonable honesty. So rather than laugh at her inconsistency and be willing to reevaluate and alter her view, Lucy has to bully, name-call, and shame her friend. Bullies want control. They intend to deprive others of their liberty and crush their rights.

BOTH extremes–Right and Left in our country–operate this way.

This is not about Democrat vs. Republican–although Bullies exist in both parties. This is about liberty versus slavery and it has been going on for thousands of years. This is about Unity versus disunity. Polarization begins with those who depart from the foundations of what made us great and United. Only one thing kept the United States from going the way of every other nation-state or Empire in history.

American Exceptionalism Rooted in Christ

Backdrop is WWII. The totalitarian socialists knows as the National Sozialistiche Deutsche Arbeitpartei (National Socialist German Party–NAZI party for short), had invaded Europe. Their storm troopers crushed and were rounding up and killing their enemies, which included political enemies, Jews, and the Christians who helped rescue both. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, noted missionary and theologian-statesman serving in India at the time said this regarding our UNITED STATES and American freedom:

What a Christ this is! taking the energies and pioneering spirit of a people gathered from all climes and all races, and in spite of all their sins and prejudices welding them into a living whole until they become perhaps the most united nation on earth, and perhaps the greatest.

Christ has done this? Yes, for without his Spirit working in the hearts of this American Civilization–cleansing, inspiring, uniting,–this civilization would not have been possible. He is the cement that holds it together. Through its centrifugal forces and its dividing sins it would fall to pieces tomorrow without him. He is the most cleansing, constructive, potent force working within the soul of this people–and its one hope.**

Given the contemporary hatred of Christ and his family in our American civilization today. Given the polarization of those who love liberty and those who want power to force their Christless worldview upon the people. What is the future of our union?

My hope is that God will heal our nation on behalf of our forefathers and their sacrifice–that Lucy & Linus will get tired of the polarization that separates them and find ways to listen to one another. My fear is that it’s too late. Lucy likes bullying and controlling Linus. And Linus won’t give up his freedom to her control. Thus, unless the nation repents, we, our children and our grand-children will experience a revolution unlike any in previous history as political parties polarize, our unity unravels, and our economy implodes. The revolution will center around religion, because Christ and Yahweh are the ONLY source of Freedom and unity.

The only way out is a return to what made us great–honoring Christ and loving God and people made in His image. Can it be that simple? Oh, yes!

I pray that I’m wrong about the Revolution, because I’m absolutely right about the root and the deterrent.


QUESTION: What do you think?

**quote from E. Stanley Jones, The Christ of the American Road, Cokesbury Press, 1944, p. 15.

Peanuts dialog (c)2013, Dixon Diaz; except “Peanuts” characters are (c) United Features Syndicate
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