Tag Archives: Asbury University

A Revival Account: Asbury 1970 – YouTube

kinlawMany churches use a week or two week meeting once a year to hold a “revival.” This term is thrown around very loosely in our culture and churches. I have attended many of these “revival” weeks in my life. I’ve spoken at many of them. But I never considered them revivals. Because I’ve been influenced by the aftershocks of a revival visitation of God and know the difference.

For those who want to see what a REAL revival is, I’ve posted this account of the visitation of God that students, faculty, staff, and the Lexington area experienced at Asbury College (Now Asbury University) in Wilmore, Kentucky in 1970. If you take the time to watch this in its entirety–to the end–I believe that you will experience the Lord’s love and a sense of what genuine revival is like.

You’ll see and hear Dr. Dennis Kinlaw share a narrative and video clips that will help you understand what they experienced during that visitation.

I hope that you will use this testimony to help inform your definition of a visitation of the Lord God in genuine revival. My prayer for you is that God will meet you in the viewing of Dr. Kinlaw’s account. And it will profoundly touch your heart.

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